Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Cut on Duty... YaY!

Stamp duty will be cut for 98% of people who pay it.

In George Osborne’s Autumn statement, it was announced that from Thursday 4 December stamp duty will be cut for 98% of people who pay it.

What does this mean?

Under the old rules if you bought a house for £185,000, you would have had to pay 1% tax on the full amount – a total of £1,850. From tomorrow, under the new rules, for the same property you'll pay nothing on the first £125,000 and 2% on the remaining £60,000. This works out as £1,200, a saving of £650.

In Scotland the new rates will apply until 1 April 2015, when the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax replaces stamp duty in Scotland.

The new rates of stamp duty are:

Purchase price of property (£)  New rates paid on the part of the
property price within each tax band 
 0 - 125,000  0%
 125,001 - 250,000  2%
 250,001 - 925,000  5%
 925,001 - 1,500,000  10%
 1,500,001 and over  12%

Looking for further advice about what you should be paying?

If you are in the process of buying a property, your solicitor or a independent conveyancer will work out the stamp duty you have to pay.