Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Homeless and Rootless at Christmas

Every year we provide a safe and warm day shelter, which is open to all homeless and rootless vulnerable men and women between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. We provide three free hot meals a day and guests are welcome to spend the entire day with us to help them get through what can be a very cold and lonely time of year.
This year, the project will be open from Christmas Day all the way through to New Year’s Day at the Cathedral Archer Project, Campo Lane, Sheffield S1 2EF. We need volunteers to help cook, provide entertainment/activities, and help us run services for our guests.
Make a real difference in your community, and volunteer for a shift during the project. See our website for details of how to apply.

Former volunteers

Many of you know local residents Betty Smalley and myself Saleema Imam.
Several years ago Betty and I were regular volunteers at the HARC Christmas sessions. One time I was even head cook in charge of the kitchen! It was a hectic but most enjoyable time. We met some very interesting people amongst both clients and volunteers, some of whom have proved long lasting friendships.
Sadly neither of us now have the health to continue volunteering at the Archer project, we're the ones missing out on all the fun and companionship.
Do take the chance to join in if you have the time, it's well worth the effort.